Student Information
Enrollment Info By Grade
Transitional Kindergarten (TK) is the first of a two-year kindergarten program and is currently offered at Panorama Elementary School.
Eligibility for the school year of 2024-2025
- Children whose date of birth is between September 2, 2019 - June 2, 2020 will be eligible to enroll in TK.
Eligibility for the school year of 2025-2026
- Children whose date of birth is between September 2, 2020- September 1, 2021 will be eligible to enroll in TK.
Eligibility for the school year of 2026-2027
- Children who are 4 years old on or before 9/01 of that school year will be eligible to enroll in TK.
PAN Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten Tour: Friday, March 14: Ms. Neidhart will be doing a 2nd Panorama School Tour on Friday, March 14 @ 9:00am. Please RSVP here.
BES Kindergarten Tour: The next tour for incoming kindergarten parents/caregivers is on Friday, February 21 from 8:30-9:30 am. Please sign up for the February tour if you have an incoming kindergartener.
Kindergarten for the school year of 2024-2025: Children whose 5th birthday is on or before September 1st of a given year are eligible to enroll for Kindergarten that year. Date of birth is between September 2, 2018-September 1, 2019.
Eligibility for the school year of 2025-2026
- Children whose date of birth is between September 2, 2019- September 1, 2020 will be eligible to enroll in Kindergarten.
Eligibility for the school year of 2026-2027
- Children who are 5 years old on or before 9/01 of that school year will be eligible to enroll in Kindergarten.
6th Grade students: District residents attending BES or PAN who will be attending Lipman Middle School for 6th grade do NOT need to enroll for Lipman Middle School. Students with an interdistrict transfer permit DO need to reapply for transfer to Lipman.
8th grade students transitioning to high school will be contacted directly by Jefferson Union High School District. For more information on the transition to Jefferson Union High School District, please visit their website.
Note: Families must submit TWO proof of residency's every year. Those who reside or have moved out of BSD boundaries during the school year will need an interdistrict transfer permit from their district of residence in order to continue to attend BSD schools for 2024-2025
Families who move during the school year must inform the school office immediately and update emergency information in the Parent Portal.
BSD Parent Portal Instructions
Instructions (English) to use Parent Portal. Instrucciones (en español) para acceder al sitio web del Portal para Padres para la inscripción de nuevos estudiantes.
Parents of current students must use the email address on file with the school or your student will not be linked to your account.
Select Forgot My Password if you do have or do not remember your login password. New families do NOT need an access code.
Please do not create more than one account per household. For students with two parent households, contact the District Office for help in linking both parents/guardians to the same account.
Please do not add the same student in multiple times - this clogs our system.
The adult who creates the parent account is NOT automatically listed as an adult in the household. Only adults listed under In Home Family Members will be uploaded into our student database. Adults not listed will not receive parent communications.
Transferring Elementary Schools within BSD
If your child is already enrolled and attending Brisbane Elementary School or Panorama Elementary School, and you wish to change schools for the next school year, you may request a transfer by completing the form linked below.
Elementary students transferring to Lipman Middle School do not need to complete this form.
Transfers requested by February 19, 2025 will be given priority consideration. "Priority" means that if space is available, your request will be considered before admitting new residents or interdistrict transfers.
Transfers completed on or after March 1,2025 will be considered in the order in which they are received.
Assignment of Students to Schools and Classrooms
The District will attempt to place all students in the school requested. The Superintendent and Principals will meet to review grade-level enrollment and individual class sizes, and determine space available prior to assigning new students to a school.
NO STUDENTS will be placed in a school or classroom until all enrollment documents have been submitted.
Enrollment packets will be reviewed in the order in which they were completed using the date/time stamp in our Parent Portal. In the event that there are more students registered for a particular grade at one school, priority will be given as follows:
- Current TK students enrolled at Panorama School will have priority for Kindergarten in either school until February 28. Beginning March 1, students will join the queue in the order in which a request is received. TK students who un-enroll mid-year will need to re-enroll and will be considered in the general queue.
- Resident students who have a sibling attending the same school will be given priority if enrollment is received by end of day on February 28. Beginning March 1, sibling enrollment will be processed in the date/time order in which it was received. School placement is still not guaranteed as it is dependent upon space.
- Resident students who wish to transfer from one elementary school to another for the next school year will be given priority consideration over students new to the District. School placement is still not guaranteed as it is dependent upon space.
- Per contractual agreement, non-resident children of employees are treated as District residents. However, employees must still obtain an approved interdistrict transfer from their district of residence.
- Children who are victims of harmful and dangerous situations, including bullying in another school district, will be given priority for enrollment in the Brisbane School District in accordance with Education Code 35160.5. Note that enrollment for these students must include additional documentation, including, but not limited to, a letter from the prior school administrator, school counselor or a court order.
- Interdistrict transfer renewals will be approved pending space in accordance with the District's board policy. The District reserves the right to refuse or revoke interdistrict transfers for continuing students if the grade level becomes too full of resident students. Interdistrict transfers may also be revoked for students whose behavior or attendance fails to meet district standards and/or who are not progressing satisfactorily toward meeting state academic standards.
- New interdistrict transfers will be considered based on space in the requested grade/school.
- The District reserves the right to change school or classroom placement of students in order to maximize District resources. Actual placement, while taking preference into consideration, is dependent upon the following criteria:a. Facility capacity and class sizeb. Balance of class size across the Districtc. Identified special education and other programmatic needs
Classroom (Teacher) Assignments:
Parent/guardian preference is NOT considered when assigning students to classrooms within a school. The Brisbane School District selects only high-quality teachers, and values each and every one as an important and contributing member of the team. The District considers student demographics, abilities, and student needs and makes every attempt to balance each grade across classrooms. Therefore, principals will not consider parent requests in assigning students to a classroom.
No Mid-Year Transfers:
When demand exceeds capacity, a waiting list is established and parents may exercise their option to have their child's name placed on the list. Once the school year begins, students will not be moved from one school to the next unless extenuating circumstances precipitate a change of school. Parents/guardians who feel they have a compelling reason for a mid-year transfer should notify the school office. Transfers can only be granted if space is available at the requested grade level.
Families who move during the school year must inform the school office immediately and update emergency information in the Parent Portal.